Please pray with us this week for:

Prayer Focus Wednesday 1st May

Throughout 2024 we have been using our prayer focus on alternate months to feature the various areas of church life, in order for us to learn a little more about the groups and their prayer needs.

In May we will look at a number of our ministries among adults, starting today with Men’s Breakfast. 

Let us pray…

We begin by giving thanks for the fact that this ministry has been running for over 30 years.

As we look back over that time we thank you Lord for the many men over that time who have served in planning, preparing and running MB, in particular Avon Joyce who was the founder, and Jim McNaughton, who passed away some years ago.

We give thanks for those who have been willing to be speakers sharing personal messages about their lives, interests and faith, and the blessings that have resulted from men being willing to open their hearts and discuss areas of challenge, encouragement and struggle with others.

Thank you Lord that through this group comfort and support has been offered to those with illnesses and terminal conditions - especially our dear brother Mike Heisig, who only recently passed away.

Most of all  we give thanks for the way in which the Lord has clearly been with and amongst the group every time it meets on the first Saturday of the month.

As we look ahead, we pray for a strong and united team of volunteers to carry on this ministry, as well as a willingness of folk to come forward as speakers. 

We pray for greater involvement with a wider group of men in the church, especially the (relatively!) younger ones and their children.

May there continue to be a mixture of Christian and non-Christian attendees, and a desire to invite friends and family who are not churchgoers to attend.

Finally, we pray that you God will continue to use this ministry to increase the faith of all men who come along, whether for the first time or the hundredth time.

Lord, we give you our praise and thanks for all the benefits and joy that has flowed from this ministry - long may your blessings continue!


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