What does the Small Group Leader do? 

A group leader is expected to co-ordinate the key activities of the group.  This may include a place to meet, a leader for each session, a programme and some means for the group to stay in touch with each other.
Leaders will need to be a Church Member, maintain regular fellowship with the Church and attend training sessions.  Also to be aware of and comply with the church’s policies on safeguarding.
They are not be expected to be personally responsible for meeting acute or ongoing pastoral needs.  Where needs fall outside the capacity of the group, they should be referred on to the Pastoral Team.  
If anything is disclosed at the group which suggests that another person is at risk, this should be disclosed to the designated person for Safeguarding without delay.
They are not be expected to lead the group forever.  A review every couple of years is suggested.
To arrange to speak to someone about leading a group please contact our small group coordinator.

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