Parking at Newbury Baptist Church 

The car park at NBC is controlled by a ANPR camera and unauthorised users are liable to receive a PCN. Please ensure you only park in accordance with the published conditions that are posted all around the car park.
For users who are attending Sunday Services, Weddings, Funerals etc. there is no restriction to parking but please note that spaces are limited and are on a first come first served basis. 
Outside of these times parking is managed by an ANPR system for authorised users. This system operates 24/7/365 and registers all vehicles that enter and leave the NBC car park. 

There is a multi-storey car park nearby and chargeable on street parking outside the Church in Cheap street.

Regular Church attenders who have not already registered can apply for permission to park by sending an e-mail, to or contacting the office on 07901 795987.
Your application will be reviewed and if appropriate, permission granted although this is not a given due to the restricted number of spaces available.

Should you have received a PCN for unauthorised parking, all queries/payments must be address to CPM in accordance with the instruction that can be found on the documentation you have received. 
Please note, NBC does not have any control over the issue of PCN’s or receive any income from resulting payments.


Newbury Baptist Church Office, 14/01/2021
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